Thursday, April 12, 2012

Emotionally Expressive Body language and communication workshop for job seekers by Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy -10th and 11th 2012 –Time:- 2 to 4.30pm – Bangalore,Karnataka, -384 Future Leaders Attended – A Grand Success ! Appreciated by one and all :)

Emotionally Expressive Body language and communication workshop for job seekers by Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy  -10th and 11th 2012 –Time:- 2 to 4.30pm – Bangalore,Karnataka, -384 Future Leaders Attended – A Grand Success !  Appreciated  by one and all :)

We all do some acting every day of our lives. Mime-Theatre artist know that Emotionally Expressive body language speaks more volumes, and the good ones use it subtly to persuade the audience. When you are in front of a group, your poses, positions and postures tell the audience what to think about the character. A job interview is no different, says Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy, Director, KalaAnantarupah’s Leadership Stage Mime Theatre, a firm that coaches actors on the business of acting and teaches them how to market themselves.

Your Emotionally expressive body language and communication tells the interviewer things about you.

“I think it is important to have body awareness before you go into an interview” he said. There are many actions and habits that we should consider doing or avoid doing to tell the right story during the interview setting.

Comfort with your dress:-
What you wear for your interview/discussion or audition can set the stage for your nerves- it can sap your spirit or boost your confidence, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said. “I’m coaching an actress right now who is really a leading lady, but she is having trouble owning (those roles),” he said “You need to dress that part, and that confidence will come. I think (the right dressing) helps expressive emotional body language in an interview as well.”
Your appearance goes beyond dresses, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said. It extends to all aspects of your physical presentation – your posture, pose, expressions and voice.

“Always try to put yourself in comfortable situations.” He said, “You have a lot of people around you in the professional world to help you. Ask them, ‘Does my outfit look correct? Does my voice sound right? Is my hair cut right? Practice interviews with your friends.”

Breathe and Shake!
What if you are well dresses, well groomed and well prepared but you still feel like a panic attack is approaching? Stage fright, said Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy, usually occurs about five minutes before the Artist goes on stage. Artist beat back the paranoia by breathing,he said.

“ Whenever you start to experience fear, the first thing that you have to do is remember to breathe. Fear stops your breathing, and everything starts to tighten. Breathing opens the door to relaxation.”

“You can tell right away when someone walks up and they are not breathing.” Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said. “They are not in their body, and they look uncomfortable.Breath is a force of life. I really believe that.” He recommends a breathing exercise that he does before going on stage or before a big meeting or audition: “It is rapid breathing through the nose. It really centers you and calms you.”

Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy advises that you give yourself a chance to shake it off. Literally. “ Shake your limbs and jump up and down and give the adrenalin the chance to have an outlet of acutal movement.”
If you’ re feeling the paisn of panic set in, find yourself a private space – a lobby bathroom or a secluded corridor – and practice these breathing and shaking tips to beat back stage fright.

The elevator pitch
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy instructs her clients to practice role-playing exercises before an audition and to have an elevator pitch or monologue memorized and at the ready. Everyone’s Interview routine should include a 45 seconds blurb, he said. “If someone says, ‘Tell me about yourself,’ you already have a monologue or blurb ready to go.”  He encourages his clients to rehearse their elevator pitches and asks that it convey “ Something personal about you. Showcase your strengths and show what you are passionate about.”

Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy believes the elevator pitch should be carefully crafted and learned. “Type it out Say it to yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself while you are doing it.”

Also,research all you need to know about the company where you hope to work, Prepare your thoughts about the business and industry and have some ready answers about them, he said.

From the Moment you walk in, be real
The interview isn’t just how you answer questions or explain your skills, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said.That woule be like limiting an actor’s audition to his reading and singing, he said. “From the moment you walk through the door, you have to be available as a real person. You cannot shut down when you aren’t singing and dancing. You want to be present for all of it.It is the same for an interview. You take yourself on as a character.”

Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy warns his clients about being overly intimidated and losing the essence of their personalities in the process. “ Many people get into interview settings and look at that person across the table as an authority figure. I think that is the worst thing that you can do.”
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy encourages interviewees to show their passions and interests because people want to work with people they like. “ That is definitely a rule in theatre. If a director is going to be working with you for 4 to 8 weeks straight, he has got to like your first. And it is the same if somebody is going to bring you onto a team in their company: they need to like who they are going to be working with. People want to work with people who are passionate.

The Multiple – person interview
 In a one-on-one interview, you can balance your energy against that of the other person. “You can sense the temperature in the room much quicker in a one-on-one than with a group, “ Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy noted. If the interview is with a group of interrogators, your balance and attention are taxed like an Mime-Theatre artist on stage connecting to an audience.

The Ist rule : Acknowledge everybody in the room, he said.

Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy agreed. “When you have a room full of people,” he said. “ I think it is your job to keep the energy up in the air a little bit more. It is more of a hot-seat situation. I think you really need to take in the whole room and not just answer one person. Eye contact is really important.”

Ask Questions; don’t freeze

Confidence in the interview or audition is evident when you are fully prepared. “I would recommend preparing stories about your resume that show your personality, your strengths or your work ethic.” Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy advised. “ If you have these prepared and memorized to a certain degree, you will always have something that you can pull out of your back pocket if the nerves begin to take over.”

Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy suggested note cards as a last resort. “ Even if you have to look down, at least you’re getting your point acrosss as opposed to freezing.”

Another way to keep grounded and in the moment it is to have a few questions prepared to ask the interviewer. “If you get stuck and you don’t know what else to say, don’t just sit there. Have a couple of questions prepared and know your audience.” Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said, he instructs his clients to have three personal questions and three business questions prepared that they can insert at any moment. “ So if you know that a person lives in a certain area of the town, you could ask if they have ever gone to a particular pizza parlor, or if you know that they went to a certain college and you know someone that went there, you can bring that up.”
Always ask questions. “ Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy said. “ An interested person is an interesting person.”

How to find the power and expressive Emotions in words.

Eye contact is the most obvious way you communicate. When you are looking at the other person, you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact, you give the impression that the other person is of no importance Maintain eye contact about 60% of the time in order to look interested, but not aggressive.

How to connect your face and body to what you’re expressing with/without words.Facial expression is another form of non-verbal communication A smile sends a positive message and is appropriate in all but a life and death situation. Smiling adds warmth and an aura of confidence. Others will be more receptive in you remember to check your expression.

How to break down your ”script” so that each moment you’ re speaking, you have a clear intention behind what you are saying, including how you want to dramatize or “colour” that moment, and how you can emphasize for effect using your body.

Your mouth gives clues, too, and not just when you are speaking. Mouth moments, such as pursing your lips or twisting them to one side, can indicate that you are thinking about what you are hearing or that you are holding something back.

How to “be” in a meeting, on the call or business presentation. The position of your head speaks of people. Keeping your head straight, which is not the same as keeping your head on straight, will make your appear self-assured and authoritative. People will take your seriously. If you want to come across as friendly and open, till your head to one side.

How you use your arms can help or hurt your image as well. Waving them about may show enthusiasm to some, but others see this gesture as one of uncertainty and immaturity. The best place for your arms is by your side you will look confident and relaxed. If this is hard for you, do what you always do when you want to get better at something-practice. After a while, it will feel natural. 

The angel of your body posture gives an indication to others about what’s going through your head. Learning in says, “Tell me more”. Learning away signals you’ve heard enough. Adding a nod of your head is another way to affirm that you are listening. 

Sit or stand erect if you want to be seen as alert and enthusiastic. When you slump in your chair or lean on the wall, you look tired. No one wants to do business with someone who has no energy.

Control your hands by paying attention to where they are in the business world, particularly when you deal with people from other cultures. You hands need to be seen. That would mean you should keep them out of your pockets and you should resist the urge to put them under the table tor behind your back. Having your hands anywhere above the ne ck, fidgeting with your hair or rubbing your face, is unprofessional.

Legs talk too. A lot of movement indicates nervousness .How and where you cross them tells others how you feel. The preferred positions for the polished professional are feet flat on the floor or legs crossed at the ankles. The least professional and most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of your other knee. Some people call this the “Figure Four”. It can make you look arrogant. The distance you keep from others is crucial if you want to establish good rapport. Standing too close or “in someone’s face” will mark you as pushy. Positioning yourself too far away will make you seem standoffish. Neither is what you want so find the happy medium.Most importantly, do what makes the other person feel comfortable. If the person with whom you are speaking keeps backing away from you, stop. Either that person needs space or you need a breath mint. You may not be aware of what you are saying with your body, but others will get message. Make sure it’s the one you want to send.

Smiles are an important facial expression. They show interest, excitement, empathy, concern; they create an upbeat, positive environment. Smiles can, however, be overused. Often, men smile when they are pleased; women smile to please. You know which is the most powerful!

To gain and increase respect, first establish your presence in a room, then smile. It is far more professional than to enter a room giggling or “all smiles”.

As you review and tweak your body language for your next interpersonal encounter I suggest you keep in mind that:

What you are stand over you the while and thunders so that i cannot hear what you say to the contrary.

At the conclusion of his workshop presentation, Mr.Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy encouraged us to remember to speak passionately and from the heart. Think about something we are truly passionate about. How do we Act? How do we speak? Determine what it takes to be perceived as passionate Bring those techniques to the professional environment when expected to be “on”. The emotionally expressive leadership stage of body language is vital to creating the most effective presence in all interpersonal interactions. Individuals without this emotionally expressive leadership stage are prone to be misunderstood, and find their efforts to communicate their ideas unsuccessful. With the ability to differentiate between the different modes of emotionally expressive body language, anyone can achieve the leadership stage necessary to become successful in whichever endeavour they choose. The audience will be captivated, and we will each be another step closer to being a virtuoso (Super Leader) in the corporate world.

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